Thursday, July 1, 2010

On Wed. night I was blessed with the opportunity to not only play music for some kids, but also share a message from God's Word with them! I decided to speak about Love. As I spoke I couldn't help but constantly look down at my shirt which oddly enough said "LOVE" straight across the chest. Today while thinking about that concert and message, I thought of that shirt. I was wearing "LOVE" on my shirt, for all to see. We need to be constantly wearing God's love for all to see. God did not send His only Son to die on the cross that we may hide Him in a box. God did not create us and the world around us so that we may just let it go to waste. He created us to LOVE Him, and to LOVE one another! Of course it is true that Love exists in the most beautiful of circumstances. It would be wrong though to deny that love exists in the most horrid of circumstances. An orphan with no hope of family, no experiences containing love, not even a home to live in. Even in that circumstance, love exists, and we are called to not only let love exist, but GIVE IT LIFE! Living a life of love changes things. It changes the people around us. It infects our surroundings with a fire that is unquenchable. One thing to remember, this love is a PURE love. Love that lacks God, sincerity, conviction, sacrifice, forgiveness, mercy, grace, compassion and change, will not ever hold a chance to penetrate the heart of man, or the heart of God. We must strive to love like our Creator has loved us. Though it is impossible, what an AMAZING thing to strive towards. It is not good enough for you just to read this and agree. You must TASTE the love of God and experience it for yourself. Today, set a goal, to love a little more, to love those who don't love you, to show those that surround you the hope and love of our Father in Heaven!